
Static OCaml callbacks

The usual way of passing callbacks to C is through Foreign.funptr.

Foreign internally relies on libffi, that dynamically generates code at runtime, and Foreign will hide all the ugly details from the OCaml coder. While it is very convenient, it also has its drawbacks:

  • It is slow.

  • libffi won’t work, if security measures like PaX’s MPROTECT are active - or becomes even slower, when it tries to work around such limitations.

Static callbacks are an alternative way to pass OCaml functions to C. They are particular useful, if the callbacks are short and get called in a high frequency. Then the overhead introduced by libffi and ctypes.foreign's generic wrapper around it might be too costly. If the callbacks do more expensive computations or only get called a few times, ctypes.foreign is usually the better choice because of its easier interface.

With static callbacks it is not possible to pass closures to C directly. You have to store the context manually and restore it again inside the callback.

The following example code will demonstrate the usage and syntax of static callbacks through a generic binding to glibc’s qsort_r:

void qsort_r(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
             int (*compar)(const void *, const void *, void *),
             void *arg);

The qsort_r() function sorts an array with nmemb elements of size size. The base argument points to the start of the array. The contents of the array are sorted according to a comparison function pointed to by compar. The parameter arg can be used to manually pass user data (e.g. a closure) to the callback (the third parameter of the comparison function).

We first define a module for the type of the callback function:

module Compar = [%cb ptr void @-> ptr void @-> ptr void @-> returning int]

The only public value of the generated module is Compar.t, which is of type _abstract Compar.t Ctypes.static_funptr Ctypes.typ

Compar.t can be used to create values of type _abstract Compar.t Ctypes.static_funptr:

let%cb qsort_callback p1 p2 arg : Compar.t =
  let f = get_closure arg in (* get_closure described later *)
  f p1 p2

At this time, everything has normal scope - except the pseudo-type-constrain. The only restriction is that you must define it at the “top-level”, i.e. not inside functors or local modules. The preprocessor tries to detect unsafe contexts and will abort code generation in such cases. If you hit a loophole, an exception will be thrown at runtime.

We will also use Compar.t as regular Ctypes.typ inside external declarations:

external qsort :
     base:void ptr
  -> nmemb:size_t
  -> size:size_t
  -> Compar.t
  -> arg:void ptr
  -> void
  = "qsort_r"

let qsort ~cmp ar =
  let nmemb = CArray.length ar |> Unsigned.Size_t.of_int in
  let size =  CArray.element_type ar |> sizeof |> Unsigned.Size_t.of_int in
  let base = CArray.start ar |> to_voidp in
  let arg = store_closure cmp in
  Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> remove_closure arg) (fun () ->
    qsort ~base ~nmemb ~size qsort_callback ~arg)

To implement get_closure, store_closure, and remove_closure, you can use Ctypes.ptr_of_raw_address, e.g:

let htl_closure = Hashtbl.create 16

let store_closure =
  let cnt = ref 0 in
  let rec iter n =
    let next = succ n in
    if Hashtbl.mem htl_closure n then
      iter next
      let () = cnt := next in
  fun f ->
    let n = iter !cnt in
    Hashtbl.replace htl_closure n f;
    Nativeint.of_int n |> ptr_of_raw_address

let get_closure ptr =
  raw_address_of_ptr ptr |> Nativeint.to_int |> Hashtbl.find htl_closure

let remove_closure ptr =
  raw_address_of_ptr ptr |> Nativeint.to_int |> Hashtbl.remove htl_closure


In less trivial use cases additional precautions are necessary:

  • You can usually not throw exceptions inside callbacks. The C code does not expect such a jump, its internal state would become invalid. If multiple threads are used, it’s also possible that you are not able to add a handler that could catch your exception in the first place. You have to capture all exceptions, save them for later and return an appropriate default value.

  • The lifetime management of your closures is often complicated. If you forget to remove them from your hash table or similar data structure, you will leak memory. If you remove them too early, it’s even more fatal…

Annotations for Callbacks

Static callbacks can be annotated further:

let%cb your_callback : Callback.t = foo [@@ acquire_runtime_lock]

[@@ acquire_runtime_lock] must be used, if your callback is called from a context, where OCaml’s runtime lock was released, e.g. via the [@@ release_runtime_lock] annotation of external declarations.

let%cb your_callback x : Callback.t =
  let res = foo x in
  res [@@ thread_registration]

[@@ thread_registration] must be used, if the C library creates new threads and might execute your callbacks inside those threads. In order to use [@@ thread_registration], you have to link ctypes.foreign to your program, even if you don’t use Foreign otherwise.